Writing For Engineers Semi Weekly Reflections

Week 2 Reflection

Just last semester I took a 10100 English course where I had to write a outline for every big paper we wrote. In these outlines included a bit of reflections on what we learned or what we struggled with during that phase(period where we had to write that big paper). Additionally we wrote a self-reflection essay for a final at the end of the semester which was basically all of our outlines revised to fit our current opinions on what we wrote, as well as what we accomplished that semester. Despite this I’m not particularly sure what I gained from writing these reflections. This practice in my opinion didn’t really make it easier, however I think other things I learned over the course of that semester improved my ability to write reflections. For instance my increased understanding of rhetorical devices helps me better understand things that I see in my own writing and conversely things I saw that I could’ve done but didn’t. This I believe made the content of my reflections a little bit more objective overall as I could understand better what I am supposed to be doing.

Week 3 Reflection

The audience of my Eng 10100 portfolio was primarily my instructor she was the one who evaluated and critiqued my work. There after students in my Eng 10100 course would be a secondary audience as we sometimes did peer review and they provided feedback. That being said while my voice wasn’t necessarily censored I did have to keep this in mind and be somewhat respectful as well as focus on writing to complete the task I knew that my professor was looking for. The purpose of my Eng 10100 portfolio was to demonstrate the progress I made of the course of that class. Things like my reflections and the actual work help to kind of of document proof that I took away valuable skills from the course. The context was that I was simply taking a entry level English course in CCNY that required me to complete a portfolio to pass the class.

Week 4 Reflection

The audience for my product review essay is once again my instructor, Ms. Rodwell, as she will be the one evaluating my product review essay. This of course means that for the sake of satisfying my audience I want to write what my instructor wants to see, so i had to make sure my product review essay satisfied certain criterion to achieve passing marks. The context is that I am taking a Writing for Engineers course in CCNY, an academic setting which means that conduct befitting a student is the implied law. This of course affected that way I chose to write the product review essay as I am sure it will continue to do. The purpose of this essay is to give my honest review of a product that is based only on fact. The purpose of receiving the assignment may have been to familiarize ourselves with this sort of writing.

Week 5 Reflection

Analyzing the rhetorical situation of my student portfolio has proven helpful to me in figuring out what I should be writing. This tool can be applied to any type of piece because generally, understanding the purpose of your writing helps to keep you on track and what comes next in my writing comes more naturally to me since I know what I need to say. Writing with a tone in mind hasn’t not been necessarily confusing but it has been difficult to accomplish. I intend to bear this in mind for future projects as each project will require me to use a different tone and will be great practice.

Week 6/7 Reflection

The context of my Lab report analysis is that I am analyzing the efficacy and structure of of 3 different lab reports to compare and contrast them as well as draw an opinion of them based on fact. Like for example how my “Living labs” lab was more objectively more perfect than my other 2 labs because my “Living Labs” lab included and or attempted to include every necessary section of a lab report My audience is my classmates and teacher so a reasonably censored tone is expected for yet another reason other than the context of the Lab. The purpose of this Lab is to compare and contrast the 3 labs reports using facts I’ve gathered from my own analysis.

Week 8 Reflection

Im using the labor log simply to record the work that I have done so far in case I need to dispute my final grade. Until than it won’t really find its use to me, especially I have all the work that I have actually done neatly completed in a folder and on my personal computer. It does help to record peer review assignments however since I do not have a way of recording evidence of that work.

Week 9 Reflection

The group work in this class has been difficult thus far. Despite discussing plans and ideas in and out of class time we have yet to reach any answers that would give us substantial progress. For now, I and my group plan to meet up virtually more often to try and brute force the answers we need to complete our collaborative assignment.

Week 10 Reflection

The context of my Technical Description was that my writing for engineers professor assigned to me a task in which I were to define my product from an engineering stand point, Identifying parts and Subparts like the “Water tank” in my expresso machine that has a Subpart of a “filter”, in enough detail so that the production of the product in question can be replicated. The purpose of this was simply practice, since most of those who take this course intend to go into a engineering career, and being able to write technical descriptions is a useful skill to have. My audience is my class for my Writing for engineers course and the professor for that course.

Week 13 Reflection

One component of a learning target that I’ve learned and feel that I am beginning to master now that I am working on the collaborative project is research. You could be as skilled a writer as you want but your words will mean nothing without the facts to back it up. I began learning this during week 8 of this semester when we were tasked to complete the outline for the Technical Description. To have an outline we needed to have decided on and researched a product that was good enough to make a T.D out of which was difficult in itself. The detail necessary to explain to someone how and why the parts in a machine works is immense and it really showed me for the first time was real research looked like as sloppy as I was. Now that I am working on the collaborative project I continue to sharpen that skill and learn about more resources that can expedite the researching process somewhat. In this way I’ve improved and become more reliably able to find the things I need to fine.

Week 14 Reflection

Assuming that by composition process what you mean putting together everything that I’ve learned, I would have to say its my ability to analyze text considering the rhetorical situation. This is the biggest concept that I’ve begun to more or less master and it pays to understand what your reading or writing in terms of its rhetorical situation because it becomes easier to make the most out of the information your given or the information your giving to your audience. If I made better process in it I would say that researching and finding sources would have been the most useful tool I’ve picked up however I am not that confident in it still.

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